by ifpanet | Sep 20, 2016 | NFPA 20
Public Input to 2019 Editon of NFPA 20 (09-20-2016) | Report
The Pre-1st Draft meeting was scheduled for 10.4, 5 & 6 in Buena Vista, FL. Myself and Steve Holzkopf (Alternate) attended. I have attached the Public input for all to view.
To view the information provided click on “Report” shown above and scroll to page 18.
Let us know if you have any questions.
best regards,
Vincent Rodriguez
Steve Holzkopf
by ifpanet | Sep 25, 2015 | NFPA 20
NFPA Updates (09-25-2015) | Report
View the attached file which contains the most recent NFPA 20 updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact either Vincent Rodriguez or Steve Holzkopf with any questions or concerns regarding the information included in the attached file.
by ifpanet | Oct 28, 2011 | NFPA 20
NFPA 20 links and updates. (10-28-2011)
The link below will provide all public records, proposals and committee action for the ROP/ROC as they become available. Simply copy and paste.
Highlights and Hot Button issues follow.
Chapter 5: New High rise series pumping rules passed committee. It requires all pumps in series to be in the same room, but makes an allowance for pumps to be in a separate room as long as those pumps are supplied with a flooded suction from the municipal supply.
Chapter 10: At the Feb 2011 ROP meeting the committee voted to eliminate limited service controls. At the Oct 2011 ROC the committee reversed their position and voted to keep limited service controls in the standard, but required a shunt type breaker to be used in LS controls. The shunt breaker will minimize motor burn up in the event of an incidence of a frozen pump or single phasing.
Chapter 14: A non-committee proposal for a 5 point test curve was rejected, along with a requirement for an “approved” field test device. A proposed requirement to notify the AHJ 1-3 week prior to an acceptance test was also rejected.
Chapter 11: A new type diesel fuel injection and management system requirement passed the committee. It will add substantial cost to a diesel pump system. It is intended to correct a problem that has been created by the the expanding use of bio-fuels and the microbial problems that are manifested with lower sulfur content.