NFPA 20 Links and Updates

NFPA 20 links and updates. (10-28-2011)

The link below will provide all public records, proposals and committee action for the ROP/ROC as they become available. Simply copy and paste.

Highlights and Hot Button issues follow.

Chapter 5: New High rise series pumping rules passed committee. It requires all pumps in series to be in the same room, but makes an allowance for pumps to be in a separate room as long as those pumps are supplied with a flooded suction from the municipal supply.

Chapter 10: At the Feb 2011 ROP meeting the committee voted to eliminate limited service controls. At the Oct 2011 ROC the committee reversed their position and voted to keep limited service controls in the standard, but required a shunt type breaker to be used in LS controls. The shunt breaker will minimize motor burn up in the event of an incidence of a frozen pump or single phasing.

Chapter 14: A non-committee proposal for a 5 point test curve was rejected, along with a requirement for an “approved” field test device. A proposed requirement to notify the AHJ 1-3 week prior to an acceptance test was also rejected.

Chapter 11: A new type diesel fuel injection and management system requirement passed the committee. It will add substantial cost to a diesel pump system. It is intended to correct a problem that has been created by the the expanding use of bio-fuels and the microbial problems that are manifested with lower sulfur content.

NFPA 25 Update

NFPA 25 Update (10-11-2011) | Report

NFPA is now accepting Proposals to the 2014 edition of NFPA 25. The closing date to submit a Proposal is 11/25/11.

The ROP (Report on Proposals) meeting is scheduled for Jan 17-19, 2012 in San Antonio, TX – I will attend.

NFPA issued the attached TIA to NFPA 25.

I am going to submit two proposals to 25:

1) (Suction supply for a fire pump) we need to add something like “as supplied by the owner” referring to the system demand (as we did in sction Too often, the system demand is unknown by the inspector since hydraulic placards are often not available.

2) (Regarding inspecting to insure that a supply of heat capable of maintaining a minimum 40F heat in a dry pipe valve enclosure exists). This needs to be moved to Chapter 4 and become part of the Owner’s Responsibility.

NFPA 24 Committee Reports

Jim Schifiliti (10-11-2011)

An nfpa 24 committee meeting was held a few weeks ago in September to review reports on comments from the code change proposals received.

Items were discussed & voted on.

A detailed list of comments will be released shortly.